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Oil & Gas

High-resolution drone photography allows archaeologists of all abilities and locations to discover, model, and analyze sites.

what we offer

  • 3D Mapping

  • Point Cloud 

  • Digital Surface Model

Improve asset inspection

Using drones to conduct pipeline inspections can produce increased efficiency of up to 33% and reduced inspection costs of up to 50%.

oil tanks
Oil Refinery

Proactive Maintenance

 perform up-close and non-disruptive inspections of your assets to look for structural defects, system deficiencies, or potentially hazardous situations.

Our drone data can help you

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Manage Site

Track branch / ATM performance. GIS makes it possible to operate, maintain, and upgrade physical assets cost-effectively.


Model & Track

Gain a better understanding of your customer and market segment through census data. 

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Perform Inspections

Leveraging location to spatially target marketing campaigns for products such as mortgages, new account propositions, and credit cards can lead to considerably higher acquisition and conversion.

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